Residential Construction Agreement


Use this Contract Agreement between Owner and Contractor to Construct a Residential Project.

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Contributor - Ferzanton

Full Description

Why have a contract in place on a construction project?

A contract is important to have in place on a construction contract because it outlines the services and responsibilities of both parties. At the start of a project, both parties may have great intentions, but construction projects can be complex, so understanding who is responsible for what and when up front will ensure that there are no misunderstandings during the project.

What should be included in a residential construction agreement?

The contract or agreement between owner and contractor should include the value of the project, the scope of work and services to be rendered. It should also outline legal requirements such as insurance, what happens in the event of delays, payment terms and arbitration and litigation procedures.

Use this Contract Agreement between Owner and Contractor to Construct a Residential Project.


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Residential Construction Agreement